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Dealing with Bullying

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Children's fingers form a circle with the word love in the middle

It can be extremely difficult to watch your children struggle with bullying. Whether your child is being bullied or is the bully, there are steps you can take to help the situation.

  • Praise kids when they exhibit positive behavior. It will help with their self-esteem and give them confidence
  • Build up their self-esteem, that way they will be a less likely target and will have the confidence to reach out for help
  • Teach them to solve their problems by talking about it
  • Check with your kids daily about how their day was. Listen to them and encourage conversations
  • Take them seriously. If they don't feel support from you at the beginning, they might not turn to you again
  • Inspire your kids to step up and help others by displaying the same behaviour

If You Child is Bullied

  • They might have lost interest in school or activities, want to stay home or keep to themselves
  • Talk to them about the changes in their behavior in a non-confrontational way
  • Speak to the appropriate adults who can help such as a school teacher, coach or other parent
  • Don't teach your kids to fight. It could lead to them getting hurt, in trouble and it could further escalate the situation

If Your Child is the Bully

  • Take it seriously. Often kids who bully are bullied as well, and another child is being hurt
  • Talk to your child and find out why. There may be a situation going on that you aren't aware of
  • Ask for help from a teacher, counsellor, or a mentor. Your child may feel more comfortable discussing it with them
  • Explain how much it hurts someone to be bullied