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Emergency? Call 9-1-1

Non-Emergency? Call 1 (866) 876-5423

Power Outages

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An officer points on the road

If you have no power or are having trouble with power to your home, your first call should be to your local power company, and not to the police. Officers will respond if the power outage causes a dangerous situation for the public (downed live hydro lines, malfunctioning traffic lights, etc.) but calling 9-1-1 when the power goes out ties up resources for those in need of emergency services.

Calling your power provider is your best contact as they have the most current information. You can even receive updates through your mobile device by searching for your service providers app online, or by visiting their website.

Power providers in York Region include:

Learn what you should do during a power outage by reviewing York Region's Emergency Preparedness plan.